Welcome to PPGRDF!

Important Information for New Students:

1- USP Code: Check at the Graduate Program Office.

2- Janus-Password System: Go to “Sistemas USP” at https://uspdigital.usp.br  or https://uspdigital.usp.br/janus/comum/entrada.jsf , click on “Primeiro Acesso” and insert your USP Code to generate a password. 

The password will be sent to the email provided in the Registration Form.

3- USP E-mail: Access https://id.usp.br/ and click on “Primeiro Acesso”.

To read and send messages, access http://ww.usp.br  in “Webmail”. After requesting the “USP” e-mail, ask the Program Office or the Graduate Section to enter your USP e-mail in the Janus System.

It is important to register the USP e-mail in the Janus System to receive messages about the course.

4- USP Card: Access Janus System in “Cartão USP- Nova solicitação-Salvar” and click on “Incluir/alterar Foto” and attach an ID-size photo, with a white background, and good resolution. 

You will be notified via USP e-mail when the card is available in the Graduate Section.

You can track the order in “Listar solicitação”.

Attention: The USP ticket is not the USP card. It is a ticket for exclusive use on some buses on the USP campus in São Paulo.

5- Disciplines: to access the disciplines offered in the semester, access the Janus System and click on “Disciplinas- Consultas- Oferecimentos”.

The initial enrollment in disciplines must be done through form 09. 

6- Documents Request: Enrollment certificate for TRANSERP, intercity bus company, and other purposes; Certificate of Completion and Student File, access http://www.fmrp.usp.br/pos-graduacao  and click on “Solicitar Documentos”.

7- Campus Entry (ID stamp for car): access http://www.pcarp.usp.br  and click on “Cadastro de veículos”.

8- Medical Care: Health Department-UBAS (Basic Health Care Unit). Located at Pedreira de Freitas Street, house 14, e-mail ubas.rp@usp.br 

9- Foreign Students: CAPEE – Support Center for Foreign Professors and Students, access http://www.prefeiturarp.usp.br/pages/capee/ 

10- Other information: Central Campus Library, Central Restaurant, Social Service, Cultural and Physical Activities (CEFER), see http://www.prefeiturarp.usp.br 

Alunos Ingressantes 2013
Alunos Ingressantes 2014
Alunos Ingressantes 2015
Alunos Ingressantes 2016
Alunos Ingressantes 2017
Alunos Ingressantes 2018
Alunos Ingressantes 2019
Alunos Ingressantes 2020