The admission process takes place twice a year for the Master’s and in a continuous regime for the Doctorate. The number of vacancies depends on the availability of an advisor in the intended research line and the student shall present a project proposal following the ethical standards.

Registrations can be made at the Office of the University Registrar or electronically by sending the documents in a pdf format to the Program email ( Applications with incomplete documents or outside the deadline will not be accepted. Any approval in the admission process will only be valid for one semester, complying with the rule that the registration of all approved applicants is made before the subsequent admission process or until the end of that semester. The applicant selected must present a copy of the documents requested, along with the original for verification by the Office of the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance. Simultaneous enrollment in more than one Master’s or Doctorate course at the University of São Paulo is prohibited. 

For more information about the selection process and to access other documents required for registration, access the links below:


Advisor’s Letter 

Admission Process – Announcement



The Ribeirão Preto Medical School of the University of São Paulo makes public the applications for the Master, Doctorate, and Direct Doctorate courses of the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance for admissions in the 2nd semester of 2021.


MASTER’S DEGREE: May 3-7, 2021.

DOCTORATE and DIRECT DOCTORATE: May 3 to October 29, 2021.

Brasília time: from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 5 pm

Venue: Office of the University Registrar of the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance or electronically (


MASTER’S DEGREE: May 24-28, 2021

DOCTORATE and DIRECT DOCTORATE: May 24-28, 2021 for registrations made between May 3-7, 2021. The others, up to 5 weeks after the registration.

Number of vacancies: 11 for Master -19 for Doctorate and Direct Doctorate

AREAS: Physical Therapy and Physical Education

Information from the Graduate Program in REHABILITATION AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE:

COORDINATOR: Prof. Dr. Ada Clarice Gastaldi

ADDRESS: 120 Prof. Miguel Covian Street, Campus/USP/Ribeirão Preto Monte Alegre ZIPCODE 14049-900. Email:  E-mail

TELEPHONE: +55 (16) 3315-4585

  1. General information for registration and enrollment:

Applications can be done at the office or electronically, by sending documents in pdf format. The applicant must contact an advisor from the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance, prior to registration, to define their research project.

Applications with incomplete documentation or outside the deadline by the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance will not be accepted.

Any approval in the admission process will only be valid for one semester, complying with the rule that the registration of all approved applicants is made before the subsequent admission process or until the end of that semester. The applicant selected must present a copy of the documents requested in the registration, along with the original for verification by the Office of the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance. 

Simultaneous enrollment in more than one Master’s or Doctorate course at the University of São Paulo is prohibited.

  1. Documents Required for Registration and Enrollment:

2.1- Application and Initial Enrollment Form Filled out, available at,

2.2- Copy of the undergraduate degree notarized (front and back) or copy of the Certificate of Completion, including the date of the degree obtained in an officially recognized Undergraduate course.

In the case of a certificate, the proof of the Undergraduate degree will be mandatory, within one year, counted from the date of enrollment in the Graduate Program.

2.3- Copy of the Undergraduate Transcript, containing the date of completion (completed);

2.4- Copy of the Master’s diploma or certificate of completion (or certificate with the date for the defense, which must be prior to the first day of enrollment) and Master’s Academic Transcript from the Graduate program recognized by CAPES (with a grade equal to or greater than 3) for Doctoral candidates with a previous Master’s Degree.

2.5- 01 recent ID-size photo with white background;

2.6- Copy of Birth or Marriage Certificate (or equivalent document for foreigners);

2.7- Copy of Identity Card (or equivalent document for foreigners) (Professional Registrations or driver’s license will not be accepted);

2.8- Copy of Voter’s Card (except for foreigners);

2.9- Copy of the Military Document (except for foreigners);

2.10- Copy of CPF (except for foreigners);

2.11- Proficiency in English: Applicants, both for Master’s and Doctoral Degrees, must prove Proficiency in English, which can be demonstrated by presenting a copy of the Certificate. TEAP, TOEFL, ALLUMINI, IELTS, CAMBRIDGE, or Michigan exams will be accepted, considering an achievement equal to or greater than 60% of the maximum grade for the Master’s and 70% for the Doctorate, taken up to 5 (five) years before the applicant enrollment date in the admission process of the Program.

Other equivalent exams may be analyzed by the CCP at the candidate’s request;

2.12- Proof of payment of a registration fee (BRL 214.00 – two hundred and fourteen Reais), to be paid by bank slip within 7 (seven) days after the issuance of the slip and available at The registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

  1. Program Specific Documents Required for Enrollment:

3.1- Letter of a Professor in the Program in the research line;

3.2- Proof the Research Project inserted on Plataforma Brasil/Research Ethics Committee;

3.3-Curriculum Vitae (preferably LATTES, without binding). They must be delivered separately.

  1. Documents for Enrollment (in addition to the documents submitted for enrollment):

4.1- Copy of valid identity document and temporary or permanent visa authorizing the studies in Brazil: National Migration Registry Card (CRNM) or RNE (Alien Identity Card) or RNE Protocol and Passport for foreign candidates.

Note: We authorize the enrollment of foreign candidates in graduate programs carrying only the passport with the student visa, with the appointment of the Registration/Issuance of Foreign Identity Card, issued by the Federal Police.

After the student attends the Federal Police, on the scheduled date, the applicant must present the protocol/document issued by the Federal Police, with the RNE number to the Graduate Office, within 15 days to legalize the registration in the System Janus.

  1. Selection Criteria

For Master’s, Doctorate, and Direct Doctorate courses, applicants will be evaluated on an eliminatory basis, by the Curriculum Vitae and Research Project review, with grades ranging from 0 (zero) to 10 (ten) in both evaluations. The Curriculum Vitae grade will be considered by the highest grade among the candidates enrolled in the admission process.

Applicants can request a test review within 10 working days from the publication of the grades upon request to the Program Coordinator.

For the Master’s course, applicants who obtain a grade equal to or greater than 6 (six) will be able to attend the Master’s course, depending on the availability of an advisor and according to the number of vacancies informed in this Notice. The final grade will be the arithmetic average of the Research Project and the Curriculum Vitae.

For the doctoral course, applicants who obtain a grade equal to or greater than 7 (seven) and have previous experience in research, demonstrated by at least one full article published (for Direct Doctorate) as the 1st author and/or submitted (for a Doctorate with a Master’s Degree), can be accepted depending on the availability of an advisor and according to the number of vacancies informed in this Notice. The final grade will be the arithmetic average of the Research Project and Curriculum Vitae (maximum grade 10 in each).

I – Curriculum Vitae Analysis with interview – Master, Doctorate, and Direct Doctorate



  1. Health Area 5.0
  2. Other areas 3.0

Maximum score 5.0


  1. Publication of scientific articles in journals (Consider the Qualis of CAPES Area 21 – A1-2.0; A2-1.5; B1-1.0; B2-0.5; Others-0.25) 0, 25 – 2.0
  2. Presentation of papers at international conferences (05 papers maximum) 1.0
  3. Presentation of papers at national conferences (05 papers maximum) 0.5
  4. Patents or records of inventions or software 2.0 

Maximum score 5.0


Value for technical work 0.2

Maximum score 1.0


Professional and training activities / Career span – score per year 1.0

Residency, Improvement, or Specialization – minimum 360h. 3.0

Maximum score 3.0


  1. Projects in the health area

Scientific Initiation or Extension with scholarship (minimum of 1 year) 3.0

Scientific Initiation or Extension without scholarship (minimum of 1 year) 1.0

Participation in other projects (minimum of 1 year) 0.5

  1. In other areas

Scientific Initiation or Extension with scholarship (minimum of 1 year) 1.5

Scientific Initiation or Extension without scholarship (minimum of 1 year) 0.5

Participation in other projects (minimum of 1 year) 0.25

Maximum score 4.00


Value per exchange (minimum: 6 months) 2.0

Maximum score 2.0

Total Score – Curriculum Vitae

II – Analysis of the Research Project with interview – Master, Doctorate, and Direct Doctorate

Research Project Analysis by Item


1) Adequacy of the candidate’s research project to the intended line of research

– Maximum score 1.0

2) Partnership with other researchers

– From the program 0.2

– From other FMRP/USP programs 0.3

– From other programs outside FMRP/USP 0.5

– Researchers from other countries 1.0

– Maximum score 1.0 

3) Exclusivity of the proposed research

– Maximum score 1.0

4) Relevance of the research project theme

– Maximum score 1.0

5) Proposed Methodology

– Maximum score 1.0

6) Domain, rationale, and bibliographic update

– Maximum score 4.0

7) Schedule and feasibility of the research project

– Maximum score 1.0

Total Score – Research Project

  1. SUPERVISORS: – Masters (M) and Doctorate (D)

Ada Clarice Gastaldi
Adelino Sanchez Ramos da Silva
Ana Cláudia Mattiello Sverzut
Ana Cláudia Mirandôla B. Reis
Anamaria Siriani de Oliveira
Cristine Homsi Jorge Ferreira
Daniela Cristina Carvalho de Abreu
Debora Bevilaqua Grossi
Elaine Caldeira de Oliveira Guirro
Enrico Fuini Puggina
Hugo Celso Dutra de Souza
João Eduardo de Araujo
Marisa de Cássia Registro Fonseca
Patrícia Pupim Mandrá
Paulo Roberto Pereira Santiago
Renato de Moraes
Rinaldo Roberto de Jesus Guirro
Thais Cristina Chaves