LAR – Respiratory Assessment Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ada Clarice Gastaldi

The LAR evaluates several indicators of respiratory function in groups of healthy volunteers and patients undergoing intervention protocols in Respiratory Physiotherapy. The studies carried out at LAR make it possible to understand the mechanisms involved with the different intervention techniques in Respiratory Physiotherapy, especially in patients with respiratory diseases or those with repercussions on the respiratory system. It is located in room B1 on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with a floor area of 26 m2. It has the following materials and equipment: pulse oscillometry (IOS); exhaled nitric oxide measuring device; spirometer; Ventilometer; analog and digital compound gauge to measure mouth pressure or nasal pressures; adult and pediatric peak flow meters; pulse oximeter, oscillatory positive expiratory pressure apparatus; apparatus for training respiratory muscles, NIV masks, connectors, mouthpieces, and filters; computers with specific software to assess the endurance of respiratory muscles.

LAM – Mucus Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ada Clarice Gastaldi

The LAM is a laboratory designed to assess in vitro respiratory secretions transport rates. It is located on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building. The studies developed at LAM enable the understanding of mechanisms involved with the different intervention techniques in Respiratory Physiotherapy, especially techniques for secretions clearance, which can use biological material (respiratory secretions) from healthy volunteers, animals, and patients, especially those with bronchiectasis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has the following materials and equipment: Lerwey stopwatch, computers, printer, Carl Zeiss-Germ Optical microscopes for transport and adhesion angle assessment, microwave, inhaler, freezer, cough simulator, and laboratory glassware for storage and analysis.

Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ana Claudia Mattiello-Sverzut

The Lab develops scientific studies with humans (children and adolescents) and in small animals. Studies conducted in humans address myopathies and polyneuropathies, such as Duchenne dystrophy, Becker, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and myelodysplasias. The functional and fatigue tests, effects of intervention procedures, such as physical therapy treatment, orthotics, and longitudinal follow-up of these patients are the main topics addressed in these pathological conditions. Spatiotemporal measurements, gait kinematics, and resources to evaluate the center of pressure displacement are variables that complement the clinical dataset in these research projects. Some of these morbidities are also analyzed through cardiopulmonary tests (gold standard tests and field tests). Studies with small animals focus on the morphofunctional and molecular adaptations of mature and immature skeletal muscles under numerous stimuli such as disuse, immobilization, stretching protocols, eccentric exercise varying in time, length, and intensity. The data obtained from these findings allow subsidizing and outlining, step by step, physical therapy interventions aimed at chronic and rare morbidities that affect children and adolescents.

Neuropathology Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ana Cláudia Mattielo Sverzut

In this laboratory, research projects are developed using biological materials from animals and humans. From biological tissue samples, mainly skeletal muscle, histochemical, histoenzymological, immunohistochemical, and biochemical techniques are performed to analyze qualitative and quantitative variables. The Lab is located in the Department of Pathology – FMRP and has equipment shared with other researchers such as cryostat, -80 °C and -20 °C freezers, refrigerator (-4 °C), ovens, precision scales, pH meter, electrophoresis equipment, optical microscopes, image acquisition system, image analysis system, computers, and printers. It has the following materials and equipment: PC, printers, digital video camera, vacuum pump, cryostat microtome with automatic disinfection system, heating magnetic stirrer, trinocular microscope, peristaltic pump, a container for liquid nitrogen storage, Qualiview image analysis software, sterilization and drying oven, precision scale, thermostated water bath.

LAPOMH – Posture and Human Movement Analysis Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Anamaria Siriani de Oliveira and Prof. Dr. Débora Bevilaqua Grossi

The Laboratory aims to provide the physical infrastructure to develop research activities related to evaluation and physiotherapeutic interventions in different painful conditions, such as headache, low back pain, osteoarthrosis, patellofemoral and temporomandibular dysfunction, and different conditions that affect the joint complex of the shoulder and upper limb. It is located in room B2, on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with an area of 52 m2. Currently, the LAPOMH has the following materials and equipment: two 12-channel benchtop biomedical signal acquisition systems and two 8-channel portable biological signal acquisition systems, licenses for data acquisition programs, mathematical and statistics packages, single and double differential EMG active sensors, 3-D Liberty electromagnetic kinematic evaluation system (Polhemus) with various accessories, AMTI force platform, Balance Master platform (NEUROCOM), Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST), cameras and tripods, hand-held dynamometer (Lafayette), digital pressure algometers, cervical range of motion instrument (CROM) measurement system, digital calipers and signal conditioners for force platform, load cells. Recently, the Multi Cervical Unit (MCU) was acquired, which is a system that measures the isometric strength of the cervical muscles and the range of motion of the craniocervical segment in its three axes.

LAFAP – Pelvic Floor Muscles Functional Assessment Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Cristine Homsi Jorge Ferreira

The Laboratory carries out clinical research related to the pelvic floor muscles in different phases of the female life cycle. The research in this laboratory has investigated the effectiveness of physical therapy resources and methods to treat female pelvic floor disorders, as well as the reliability of tools designed to assess the function of these muscles and the symptoms that characterize their disorders. We aim at technological solutions and the construction of prototypes that can simulate the functions of the pelvic floor and contribute to instruct patients and students about the dysfunctions and symptoms that affect women throughout their life cycle, with emphasis on urinary incontinence. The research has the collaboration of several international researchers. The Lab is located in room B13 on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with an area of 26 m2. Equipment in the Lab includes computers, electromyography, perineometers, pelvic floor muscle electrostimulation equipment, a high-precision scale for carrying out a pad test, and equipment for vaginal electrostimulation with electrodes.

LARE – Balance Assessment and Rehabilitation Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Daniela Cristina Carvalho de Abreu

The laboratory develops research related to postural control in different age groups and populations (elderly, individuals with osteoarthritis, spinal cord injury, among others) to understand their characteristics, including the importance of sensory systems and biomechanical variables on semi-static and dynamic balance. Besides, the research carried out at LARE also evaluates different physiotherapeutic approaches to improve postural control. The Lab is located in room B15 of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with an area of 26 m2. LARE has the following materials and equipment: GAITRite®, 12-channel electromyography, force platform, Polhemus system, flexion-extension table with torque tester, torque tester for ankle joint muscles, handgrip dynamometer, heart rate monitors, oximeter wrist, computers.

LAFIC – Cardiac Autonomic Modulation and Exercise Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Hugo Celso Dutra de Souza

This laboratory performs physical, metabolic, and autonomic control of heart rate tests in humans and training using predefined protocols. LAFIC is located in the Center for Physical Education, Sport, and Recreation (CEFER – USP), with an area of 50 m2. The Lab relies on the following materials and equipment: ergospirometer, treadmill for exercise testing with software, motorized treadmills for physical training, cycle ergometers, heart monitors, stove, video monitors, computers, analog sphygmomanometers, mercury column sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, scale 0-250 kg, 12 and 03 lead electrocardiographs, equipment and devices for physical training, glucometers, cholesterol and triglyceride analyzers, spectrophotometer, centrifuge, computers, laptops, calipers, adipometers, and stretchers.

LAFEe – Experimental Exercise Physiology Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Hugo Celso Dutra de Souza

In this laboratory, we carry out experiments on small animals (mice) through recordings of blood pressure, heart rate, and electrocardiography. The laboratory’s emphasis is to assess cardiac autonomic control in pathophysiological conditions and the effect of physical exercise, especially on chronic-degenerative diseases, such as arterial hypertension. The Lab is located in room B18 of the Department of Health Sciences-FMRP-USP, with an area of 30 m2. The LAFEe has the following materials and equipment: 16-channel biological signal recording system, 8-channel biological signal recording system, 4-channel biological signal recording system – PowerLab ADInstruments, Langendorff system, Telemetry System for Bio-Signal Recording, electrocardiographs for small animals, pressure transducers for small animals, plethysmography system, analytical scales, computers, glass tank, microsyringes, micropipettes, and sets of surgical supplies for small animals.

LARF – Laboratory of Physiotherapeutic Resources

Prof. Dr. Rinaldo Roberto de Jesus Guirro 

The LARF develops research addressing the interactions of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems with Photo-Electro-Thermal resources, as well as the quantification of the transmissivity of electromagnetic and mechanical waves in different biological strata. Another focus of the investigation aims at measuring the physical variables of physical therapy equipment used in clinical practice. It is located in room B5 on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with an area of 26 m2. LARF has the following equipment: EMG1000 signal conditioning module, active EMG electrodes, AMTI biomechanical force platform, 6-channel signal mini-amplifier, A/D converter, load cells, electrogoniometer, bioimpedance, portable spectral Doppler, pulse oximeter, digital thermometer, T300 infrared thermography, cameras, algometer, surface PHmeter, acoustic tank for three-dimensional ultrasonic beam, acoustic hydrophones, oscilloscope, charging system for measuring therapeutic short wave equipment, laser dosimeter, radiation force balance, therapeutic ultrasound equipment, laser and electrical stimulation, ice machine, PCs, printers, data processing and statistics software.

Neuropsychobiology and Motor Behavior Laboratory

Prof. Dr. João Eduardo de Araújo

This research laboratory performs experimental work on animals, clinical, and healthy individuals. It aims to verify the effects of motor stimulation through therapeutic methods or resources, analyzing behavior and motor performance. It is located in room B16 on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with an area of 26 m2.

Equipment available: perfusion pump, microcomputers, rodent treadmill, rotarod behavioral testing, open field behavior test system, Place Preference behavior testing system, behavioral testing system, stereotaxic, HandyCam camcorder, printer, scale, analog camera for microscope, set of fluorescence filters, automatic pipettes, cursor for 03 fluorescence filters, optical cryostat, electric micromotor with intra rotation system, software for processing and image analysis. Equipment available for clinical research: surface electromyography and force cell.

Laboratory of Adult, Child, and Gerontological Neurophysiotherapy

Prof. Dr. João Eduardo de Araújo, Prof. Dr. Ana Cláudia Mattielo Sverzut, Prof. Dr. Daniela Cristina Carvalho de Abreu.

The laboratory carries out clinical physiotherapeutic experimentation in the areas of Adult, Child, and Gerontology Neurology. It is located at the Integrated Rehabilitation Center – CIR, belonging to the State Hospital of Ribeirão Preto, linked to HCFMRP/USP. It has an area of 100 m2, divided into three rooms. In addition to this area, the CIR provides an assistance facility of 200 m2 to assist the population.

Equipment available for the Research: microcomputers, 4-channel surface electromyography devices with electrogoniometry and force cell, stabilometry platform, treadmill for pediatric use, 810i heart monitor, printer, podoscope, pressure algometer, sphygmomanometers, Rappaport-type stethoscopes.

Lab-Hand – Hand and Upper Limb Laboratory 

Profa. Dr. Marisa de Cássia Fonseca Registry

The Lab-Hand investigates the musculoskeletal disorders of the structures of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand complex and their functional alterations. It is located in room B13 on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building, with a floor area of 26 m2. The Lab provides the following equipment: Biodex 4.0 isokinetic, therapeutic laser equipment, microcomputer, 8-channel electromyography, software for biofeedback and electromyography, load cells, electrogoniometer, hydraulic grip dynamometers, thermoplastic heater, and accessories for making orthotics, microcomputers, and laptops.

LaBioCoM –Biomechanics and Motor Behavior Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Renato de Moraes and Prof. Dr. Paulo Santiago

The laboratory develops research in the areas of biomechanics and motor behavior and their interfaces, focusing mainly on the perceptual-motor aspects of posture and locomotion control and sports skills. The laboratory is located at the School of Physical Education and Sport building, with an area of 80 m2. The LaBioCoM provides three power platforms, three high-resolution (16-bit) data acquisition boards with input for 16 analog channels, LabView and Visual3D software, five uniaxial load cells, and four high-sensitivity triaxial load cells, three infrared image motion capture systems, one Vicon with 10 cameras, and two OptiTrack with 20 cameras to perform kinematics collection outdoors, one 16-channel wireless electromyography system (Delsys), one NeuroCom EquiTest, six GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition cameras, two Casio Ultra-high-speed cameras Exlim FH25, five high-performance Workstation computers, two high-performance laptops, and one Ultrabook, treadmill for detecting ground reaction forces.

LabMovDoR –Movement and Pain Investigation Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Thais Cristina Chaves

The LabMovDor develops research focused on the study of movement and its interactions with musculoskeletal pain. It is located in Room A15 on the 1st floor in the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy building. The LabMovDor has observational evaluation equipment in ergonomics and postural analysis (digital cameras, photographic background and tripod), psychophysiological evaluation equipment (algometer), and evaluation of the electrical activity of muscles (Surface Electromyography). Among the themes that are the focus of LabMovDor’s activities, the following stand out: 1) research on how the perception of pain can influence or be influenced by movement; 2) movement-based assessment and intervention strategies and how these strategies are associated with the perception of pain; 3) pain assessment strategies and psychosocial aspects related to pain (functional tests, questionnaires, scales), as well as mental patterns involved/related to the painful experience, which can influence performance during the execution of human movement or intervention strategies based on movement, and 4) research that aims at understanding human beings and their functionality from the perspective that the experience of pain is multisensory and codified by the brain. Thus, one of the focuses of LabMovDor is to understand the brain’s pain processing patterns. In practical terms, LabMovDor has been dedicated to research involving individuals with musculoskeletal pain in clinical environments (Temporomandibular Disorder, Chronic Low Back Pain, and Cervical Spine Dysfunction) and at work.

LAIDEF – Laboratory of Evaluation and Intervention in Dermatofunctional 

Prof. Dr. Elaine Caldeira de Oliveira Guirro

The LAIDEF studies the assessment, validation, and intervention of physical resources in disorders that directly or indirectly affect the skin, and is located in Room 7B on the 2nd floor of the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Building. The studies developed at LAIDEF enable the development and analysis of intervention protocols in the prevention and therapeutic areas using Photo-Electro-thermal and kinesiotherapeutic resources in the neuromuscular and skeletal systems, focusing on disorders resulting from diabetes and breast cancer. The following equipment is available at LAIDEF: T450 infrared thermography, portable Doppler with spectral analysis, TekSan pressure platform, Jamar dynamometer, durometer, MPA580 cutometer, polar heart monitor, infrared plethysmograph, Von-Frey digital analgesimeter, pressure perineometer, infrared plethysmograph, anthropometric scale, precision scale, stretcher, water plethysmograph, precision measuring tapes with weights, esthesiometers, 6-channel signal conditioning module, digital camera, timers, therapeutic equipment for electrical stimulation, ultrasound, notebooks, printers, computers, image processing and statistics software.

LACIDH –Kinanthropometry and Human Performance Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Enrico Fuini Puggina

The Laboratory has a structure dedicated to investigating measures and evaluation of the performance of the human movement. The studies involve acute and chronic responses to effort and physical training in different populations, in the sport and health context. 

Equipment: Isokinetic Dynamometer (BIODEX System 4 Pro) used for different measurements of muscle functions. State-of-the-art densitometer (iDXA, GE) for Dual Energy X-Ray absorptiometry (IDXA) exams for total and regional body scan of lean, fat, and bone tissue. Photo Cell Sets for high precision timing, Sensorized mats to determine jump power, Bioelectrical impedance, regional and multifunctional dynamometry, spirometer, in addition to various equipment for anthropometric measurements, functional morphometry and training response, dynamically and statically muscle contractile capacity. Finally, the laboratory is equipped with electromyography equipment, which through the interpolated pulse technique, is possible to detect central and peripheral muscle fatigue.

Auditory and Speech Perception Investigation Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ana Cláudia Mirândola Barbosa Reis

In this laboratory, we develop research on Human Hearing, Auditory Perceptual Processes, Speech Perception, Auditory and Speech Processing, focusing on the lines of research: Audiology Procedures in the Differential Diagnosis of Hearing Disorders, Hearing Health, Electronic Devices applied to deafness, Auditory Processing, and Speech Processing Assessment Procedures. It is located at Paineiras Street– House 18 and its equipment is shared with other researchers (Prof. Adriana Ribeiro Tavares Anastásio and Sthella Zanchetta) such as a Vibrasom VSA 40S soundproof booth, two-channel audiometer (Madsen Astera), Immittance meter Otometrics Zodiac 901, two  Orlandi Acoustic amplifiers, image acquisition system, image analysis system, computers, and printer. Most research projects involving users of electronic devices applied to deafness are developed in the premises of the Specialized Center for Otorhinolaryngology and Speech Therapy – CEOF, associating assistance and research activities. In this scenario, we have two rooms available to carry out the research, which have the following materials and equipment:

– Cabin nº1/CEOF – a room lined with material for acoustic and electrical insulation, two microcomputers, printer, digital video camera, equipment for performing auditory evoked potentials (Navigator Pro, Biologic®, EP 317 and Smart EP software – Intelligent Hearing System), equipment for performing Otoacoustic Emissions (Smart EOA), a reclining chair, a TV, a CD player, an amplification box for the presentation of stimuli in free field and necessary furniture.

– Cab No. 6/CEOF – Vibrasom VSA 40S soundproof booth, Otometrics Astera2 two-channel audiometer, Otometrics Zodiac 901 immittance meter, two speakers/amplifiers Acústica Orlandi, Test CD with Sentences list in Portuguese for tests with and without competitive noise (Costa, 1998),

– Assistance room nº 17: Telemetry system, HiPro, computers and footing for adjustments/programming of personal sound amplification devices and implantable prostheses (cochlear implant and bone-anchored prostheses).